It’s not to say it wasn’t a great year. Actually, it was pretty big year. Greg and I did a lot of traveling – which I will touch on soon. There were loads of good times with friends – old and new. Greg and I celebrated a decade as a couple. Yeah, that’s a long time, but it’s been good times. And dare I say it . . . I turned 30.
More than anything though, I’d have to say that 2010 was my year of limbo and regression. Limbo because we were waiting around for half the year to find out where Greg would be getting a job after B-school. Regression, because while we were waiting around, I took a few steps backwards in a few areas.
Regressing, however, can be a lot of fun. I feel like I got to back to go back and cover some lost territory. I have to give the majority of the credit of this to Greg’s being in B-school. Already, as you know, I’d got the chance to go on study abroad – even if I wasn’t the one doing the studying. This was something I’d always regretted not doing in undergrad. Then we got I got to go back and redo some other adolescent milestones. For example, in 2010 I got to go to Prom again, but with my husband this time.
We also went on a Boozy Spring Break, something usually responsible me never did when I was younger. We headed to Mexico on a cruise with a big group from Anderson. We had a lot of fun, but I’d like to think our boozy escapades were at least age appropriate. By which I mean, I think we were at least marginally less obnoxious and a touch more classy than all the undergrad spring breakers. By which I mean, we got champagne at the art auctions onboard and actually listened to the speaker at the tequila tasting.
The booze cruise was soon followed up by Dis-O (Disorientation) – three days of debauchery in Vegas to celebrate the end of B-school for Greg and his class. Kind of a fun side note -- every year Anderson Dis-O has a party in the Real World Vegas Suite at the Palms. This was exciting for me because the Vegas season was probably the last one I watched.
Of course, all of this was leading up to Greg’s graduation. I was so proud! Top 2%. My honey the smarty-pants.
After vicariously going back to school through Greg for all of that time, circumstances literally took me back to school. Over the summer, my friend Naomi got married in a beautiful sunset ceremony in coastal Maine.
It turned out it was cheaper to fly in and out of Boston, so we took advantage of the excuse to visit. Of course, we couldn’t go back to Boston without visiting the old Alma Matter, so we went back for the first time since commencement eight years ago. It was weird, but it was also fun. We subjected Amy, who we were staying with, to a whole lot of “and this where X happened.”

Thanks to Amy and Mike for putting up with us.
I also took a step back on the professional front. Before we went off to Australia, I quit my job of five years . When we got back I still really had no desire to make a commitment to new fulltime work situation. I might still have been a little scarred from the last one. Seeing as how we were in limbo anyways, it didn’t really make sense to look for one either.
For a long time, I had wanted to try going in a different direction. I wanted to try production – physical production rather than working at a production company – but this meant going freelance, which I’d been hesitant to do. I also kind of knew that it would kind of mean starting over again and going back to being a PA (production assistant) since it’s kind of a different world. Now there was no reason not to give it a shot.
I got really lucky. A friend of a friend hired me onto a job working on a commercial. From that I got onto another job, and then another. I ended up working pretty consistently. Commercials and music videos were kind of the perfect thing to be doing because of the shorter time frame. Thus, no long-term commitment during our time of uncertainty and it also meant that I had the freedom to travel around with Greg while he still had the time.
To tell the truth, even though it was a slight ego blow to be at PA level again – it’s often the first jobs people get when they join the entertainment industry -- I was way happier doing these jobs than I had been for most of the last year and half at my old job and I got to work in some cool places as well.

That first job was in Palm Springs, but I did a lot of back-and-forth's between Palm Springs
and LA, so I had to make a quick stop at the Cabazon Dinosaurs of Pee Wee's Adventure fame.
I worked a job near Vegas. At the end, I ended up being one of a few people who were cruelly
forced to go to Vegas for a night to do some errands for the shoot. Sometime work is rough.
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