Thursday, October 15, 2009

Centennial Park

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After G and I left Paddington Market, we started out to find a bus stop, but then we just kept going until we ran into Centennial Park and we decided to go on and keep walking.

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It's a beautiful park with extensive grounds and lots of trails for walking, running, and biking. We stuck to the Western edge, wandering vaguely in the direction of home. We didn't get too deep into the park, but nonetheless the route took us past many spectacular trees and a beautiful duck pond.

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The little wood block print of the two birds we bought at Paddington Market actually turned out to be rather prophetic. There were bird couples and fowl families everywhere! The number of cool birds to be seen in Sydney struck me from our first few days here. During our stay Sinclair's crazy bird calls I'd never heard before would wake me up early every morning, and every now and again I'd catch a glimpse of birds flying about that I'd previously only seen in cages. Here at this park, a lot of those cool species are visible in one place.

And what's even better than lot of pretty birds and ducks and geese? Baby birds and ducks and geese!

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And an entire black swan family!

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G had a field day taking pictures of all of these adorable birds and the wonderful winding trees. Eventually, we had to tear ourselves away and decided to walk the rest of the way home. Why not? We'd already walked this far and had such an awesome afternoon.

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This is our entire route for the day, starting in Hyde park, walking down Oxford St. where we went to the Paddington Market, Centennial Park (Point B here), and then finally home.

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