Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Saturday with the Kids

Every summer my sister-in-law Hilary and her husband Rich pack-up the troops and head down to G’s parent’s house for a week or two. G and I drove down this past Saturday to meet up with them during this year’s visit.

There are many members of the Brunn Clan, so when they’re around, it’s instantly a Family Gathering. Anna (who is leaving for college very soon), Nina, Cara & Kenny were present on this trip.




Anna - Somehow she eluded G's camera the whole day.

Sadly, no pics of G either - he was behind the camera the whole time.

We spent a lovely afternoon that began with an intense game of Apples-to Apples. I started out slow, but my co-conspirators rallied against G, who had taken an early lead. A stroke of luck sent me on-to an underdog victory. G seemed to have an uncanny ability to win my vote. No matter how hard I tried to avoid picking his card, somehow I always ended up voting in his favor - usually to Cara's detriment - which left me feeling very easily manipulated. It makes me wonder what other evil machinations G is using these powers for.

We followed this up with an adventurous hiking expedition into the nature preserve just up the street from G’s family’s house. It was a hot day and the sun was beating down, but this did not stop Kenny from bounding up hills and trees with boundless energy – I think he might be part monkey or koala.

After building up a hearty appetite hiking, we came in to a fabulous BBQ prepped by Rich and Hilary, paired with delicious wines from Van’s collection, and capped off by homemade ice-cream Carolyn ha whipped up.

A delightful gathering indeed!

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